the crimethinc ex-workers collective consistently provides incisive political commentary with a solid design sense. this is one example of many they offer for free download. check out the others here.
black panther newspaper covers
just found this website with lots of images from the black panther newspaper, designed by emory douglas.
black panther party newspapers 2 pages, 23 images
revolutionary art from emory douglas from the same site, 21 images, including douglas' "position paper #1 on revolutionary art"
aiga has a pretty interesting article on douglas here.
his dedication to his work is admirable -- 13 years designing and publishing the weekly bpp paper. i wonder how many designers are out there today with the same dedication to something outside of the insular world of graphic design culture.
new dyptich poster
in addition to rearing my first child, i've been busy working on this for an exhibit at eastern michigan university, called "the posters of discontent". of course i always make these things way more work than i need to.the final result:
- two 24" x 36" posters -- digital print with 1-color silkscreen
- two webpages providing additional information, thoughts, and links on the subject matter.