visual identity, posters, flyers, misc. ephemera
as part of a larger national initiative to earn restaurant and low-wage workers a living wage, needed benefits, and the right to unionize, this campaign needed to balance national cohesion with local flavor. prominent use of red connects with several other cities for quick recognition as a national effort, while a custom-designed headline typeface provides kc with a unique look. the voice is confident and loud, taking up any space afforded to it. this collection represents the core set of materials for the group.
kansas city was one of the first seven cities to organize workers, with hundreds turning out for rallies, marches, and to hear prominent speakers such as emanuel cleaver III and noted civil rights leader rev. c. t. vivian.
the shirts have been especially popular with workers. five hundred were printed; all were given away on the first two days of actions. as of april 2016, 3000–3500 shirts have been printed.
collaborators: michael enriquez and jeremy al-haj; sam yates, michael jumper, alli sevareid, devon wolfe, anthony bennett [student collaborators].